Government efforts to develop the digital economy into a advanced country (1/2)

To realize Indonesia’s vision of gold 2045, to become a developed country, Indonesia needs to optimize new sources of growth, including the digital economy.

With such rapid technological development and tremendous internet penetration, Indonesia has the opportunity to reap great benefits in the digital economy in the future.

However, there are challenges that must be overcome in the development and strengthening of the digital financial ecosystem in Indonesia, namely infrastructure gaps, low financial literacy and education, to cybersecurity threats. Therefore, there needs to be stronger collaboration between stakeholders.

In this context, the government continues to strive to develop the digital economy as a whole as stated in the National Strategy for the development of Indonesia’s Digital Economy 2030 and in particular to build the six pillars of digital economic development.

The six pillars of digital economy development include strengthening infrastructure, strengthening human resources, strengthening the business climate and cybersecurity, innovation research and business development, funding and investment, and encouraging credible policies and regulations.

The development of digital infrastructure continues to be carried out by the government, especially from 2019 to 2022, the investment in the state budget (APBN) for digital infrastructure has reached Rp75 trillion.

According to the head of the Financial Sector Policy Center of the Fiscal Policy Agency of the Ministry of Finance, Adi Budiarso, Indonesia is committed to investing in digital infrastructure in the future.

One of its flagship programs is the construction and development of the Palapa Ring for the preparation and strengthening of internet connectivity throughout Indonesia.

In 2024-2025, the Indonesian government also continues to strive to connect the Palapa Ring to lastmile.

Digital talent

The digital economy will not be able to progress without qualified human resources (HR) in this field. Therefore, digital talents need to be continuously developed, among others, through improving the quality of basic and higher education, developing inclusive digital education and training programs, and increasing the level of financial literacy and digital economy.

The development of the digital economy cannot be separated from the need for a conducive business climate coupled with various structural reform efforts undertaken by the government. It was also used to improve the business climate in Indonesia.

Especially for the digital economy, the government continues to encourage the digitalization of Micro, Small and medium enterprises, promote the presence of new technology startups, and accelerate the utilization of digital technology in key sectors of the economy.

Innovation is an accelerator in the development of the digital economy. For this reason, the government intensely encourages research and development efforts, especially in the public and private sectors, for example, by providing various incentives including super deduction tax for research and development implemented by the government.

In addition, the digital economy is a sector that requires capital that is not small. Therefore, investment in the digital economy sector needs to be encouraged, both domestically and abroad.

In this context, the government continues to strive to develop incentives that can attract more investment in the digital sector.

In addition, the government continues to develop policies and regulations that encourage innovation but still pay attention to the protection of consumers and our society.

Financial sector reform and the development of digital finance are needed as additional efforts to encourage stronger regulation in the financial sector.

In realizing the vision of Indonesia forward 2045, the financial sector must also advance. Therefore, the intermediation function of the financial sector needs to be directed to be a source of financing that is deep, innovative, efficient, stable and inclusive to support the achievement of the Golden Indonesia vision.